Category: Parks + Committee

  • “Circle the City” Event Will Bring Open Streets to JP, July 15

    An “Open Streets” day will be coming to JP on Sunday, July 15 as part of “Circle the City.” Streets connecting Franklin Park to Jamaica Pond will be closed, encouraging residents to reconnect with their parks this summer and bringing sports, food, and other outdoor activities to the area!

  • Parkman Drive Car-Free Sunday a Success!

    We’ve posted all the photos from last month’s Parkman Drive day at our Flickr page. Thanks to everyone who stopped by, and to all the organizations that donated time and resources to the event. It was a great day!

  • Public meeting regarding Emerald Necklace this Thursday Oct. 7

    Interested in ideas to increase the connectivity and safety of the Emerald Necklace? Want to weigh in on plans for improving crosswalks and pathways? The Department of Conservation and Recreation and the  Emerald Necklace Conservancy are hosting a public meeting to discuss and solicit input on these issues. Meeting takes place on Thursday, October 7 […]