Category: Announcements

  • Fundraising extended for Gateway to the Arborway project

    The fundraising deadline has been extended for the Gateway to the Arborway project, an ongoing initiative to build a picket fence along the Arborway median across from Arnold Arboretum. Eighty nine donations have been received but another $2,200 is needed to complete the project this year. To help meet this goal, a donor has offered a […]

  • Date change for March JPNC meeting

    Please note that due to the Passover holiday, the date of the next Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council meeting has been changed from Tuesday March 30 to Tuesday March 23rd. The meeting will be held at 7pm at Curtis Hall.

  • Upcoming Zoning Committee meetings

    The next meetings of the JPNC Zoning Committee will take place on March 18th and April 1st. Both meetings will be held at Curtis Hall and begin at 7pm. Please note that the March 18 meeting is dedicated solely to the application of WCI Corporation to change the zoning map for Parcels ‘W’ and ‘V’ […]