JPNC to Meet July 29, 2014, 7:00 p.m., Farnsworth House, 90 South Street


  1. Introductions.
  2. Announcements.
  3. Review/approve minutes of the June 24, 2014, Council meeting.
  4. Presentation by Jean Bushnell, Executive Director of iTNGreaterBoston, which is housed at ETHOS in Jamaica Plain and which provides transportation alternatives for seniors and for adults with visual impairments.
  5. Committee reports/recommendations:
        • Ad-Hoc Committee on Forest Hills Construction and Development Projects, including voting to fill the remaining community member vacancy;
        • Housing and Development Committee;
        • Environment, Parks & Energy Committee;
        • Zoning Committee; and,
        • Public Service Committee.

6.  New business:

        • Ben Day recommends that the Council write to the mayor in support of the Boston Racial Justice and Equity Initiative.

7.  Adjournment.

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