Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council Tuesday, Mar. 23, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.

The Zoning Committee will meet on March 24 at the following Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89060923527?pwd=aU1Fc3YzMFpLb29OYnhsZEpOV3VXZz09

The JPNC continues to conduct virtual meetings, which are open to the public.  To access the meeting from a computer, use the link:


Meeting ID: 859 6723 9298 and Passcode: 653190

Or by telephone, call 312-626-6799 and follow the prompts to enter the Meeting ID: 859 6723 9298 and Passcode: 653190#


1.   Introduction of members.

2.   Review/approve minutes from the 1/26/21 and 2/23/21.

3.   Announcements.

  • 3.1.  Second announcement of a vacancy on the council in Area B.

4.   A discussion with Kendra Hicks, District 6 Candidate for City Council

5.   Committee reports/recommendations:

  • 5.1.  Housing & Development Committee: Updates from the committee on: 1). Net Zero Carbon Construction; 2).  The information provided by the Friends of Blessed Sacrament Church on the sale of the Church.  Also a request to VOTE on the recommendations of the committee outlined in an Article 80 letter for 3390 Washington St. (BMS Paper).
  • 5.2.  Public Service Committee: Updates from the committee and a request to VOTE to support the request by Castillo Egleston Liquors, LLC, doing business as “Egleston Liquors”, at 3086 Washington Street for a change of description of the premises of its retail package store all alcoholic beverages license to add an addition in the rear for storage for up to 500 square feet.
  • 5.3.  Zoning Committee: Report on the recommendations of the committee regarding 16 Malcolm Road, a petition to remove an existing three-season porch to allow year-round use, construct a new bathroom in basement, relocate laundry facilities, construct new deck and patio per plans; 

6.   Old Business

  • 6.1 Accepting nominations to fill vacancy
  • 6.2 Discussion of Conflict of interest

7.  New Business

8. Adjournment

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