The Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council continues to hold virtual meetings. This meeting can be accessed by computer at:
Meeting ID: 837 6437 0582 Password: 915642
Or by telephone, the number: 929-205-6099, enter the Meeting ID 83764370582#, then another #, and the password 915642#
1. Introductions of members.
2.    Review/approve minutes from the 2/25/20 & 4/28/20 Council Meetings.
3. Announcements.
4. A presentation by Councilor O’Malley.
5. Committee reports/recommendations:
- 5.1. Zoning Committee: TBA
- 5.2. Housing and Development: Report on the continued discussion on building electrification as an alternative to gas.
- 5.3 Public Service: Report on the new regulations from the City of Boston’s Licensing Board.
6. New business.
7. Adjournment.
Zoning Committee: Wednesday, May 27 at 7:00 p.m. The agenda will include: 12 Everett Street to construct a three-story multifamily residence with seven (7) residential units and basement-level parking on a 13,231 square foot vacant parcel.
The link to the meeting is:
If you already have the Zoom app and prefer to join using a Meeting ID, it is 812 0544 8269. The password (which is only necessary for those who use the Meeting ID) is stonybrook.
Or, if you prefer to join by phone, simply call 929-205-6099 at the time of the meeting and enter Meeting ID 81205448269#, then another #, then the password 052603#.