Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council & Committee Meetings, April 2020

Due to the on-going concerns raised by the coronavirus pandemic, all upcoming meetings of the Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council will be virtual and will utilize Zoom.  All meetings will remain open to the public and are accessible either from a computer or telephone.  We want to ensure that our neighbors have an opportunity to respond to all upcoming issues and comments will be accepted by email up until the JPNC Meeting on April 28, 2020.  Our email address is info.jpnc@gmail.com
Zoning Committee:  Wednesday, April 15, 2020 at 7:00 pm.  The link to the meeting is: https://zoom.us/j/658233168?pwd=QVdVR215T24vVHh6R2FXQ3Ntb0VIQT09
The Meeting ID is 658 233 168 and the password (which is only necessary for those who use the Meeting ID) is stonybrook.
If you prefer to join by phone, the number is 929-205-6099 and the Meeting ID 658233168#. 
On the agenda will be:  1). 135 Carolina Avenue, a petition to erect a rear addition to existing 2-family house beginning at 7:00 pm; 2). 24 Spalding Street, a petition to construct a three-family residence with one affordable housing unit, one owner-occupied, and one three-bedroom beginning at 7:30 pm; 3). 6-8 Wise Street, a petition to combine two lots and construct new building with six (6) residential dwelling units beginning at 7:45 pm. 
Zoning Committee:  Wednesday, April 29, 2020 at 7:00 pm.
On the agenda will be:  1). 561-579 Centre Street, a petition to renovate former gas station for use as retail/wholesale butcher, grocery, café with off- and on-premises consumption, malt/wine beverages for off-premises consumption; resurface pavement (seven off-street parking spaces) and landscape; 2). 373 South Huntington Avenue, a petition to change occupancy from office to office and one residential unit, to correct error in 2017.  
Housing & Development Committee: Tuesday, April 21, 2020 at 7:00 pm. The link to access the meeting is: https://zoom.us/j/173194456?pwd=VmFiZDFtS0FmNVVoZzFaUmJjZ2gxUT09
The Meeting ID: 173 194 456 and the Password is 435811 
If you prefer to join by phone, the number is 929-205-6099 and the Meeting ID is 173194456#
On the agenda will be a discussion on building electrification as an alternative to gas.
Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council:  Tuesday, April 28, 2020 at 7:00 pm. The link to access the meeting is: https://zoom.us/j/97064336752
Meeting ID: 970 6433 6752
If you prefer to join by phone, the number is 929-205-6099 and the Meeting ID is 97064336752#
On the agenda will be updates from the committees.

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